Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'm LAME... But here's some new pics!

I've been really lame about posting anything...even pictures. So here goes. I've been caught up in finding child care, treating his itchy and painful dermatitis on his feet and feeling a little sleep deprived as they have been waking him up almost hourly. Hopefully the new ointment works, but the poor little guy has been on benadryl for 3 weeks and it only minimally helps. Otherwise he is doing wonderful!!! He is just cruising around (rolling) and doing some basic sitting up. Oh, and he has already found the crawl position, belly off the ground and everything!! We were touring a child care center when he hopped in the crawl position, which was amazing! He has moved up to 3-6 month clothes and even 6 month if we roll things up - he looks really good; a peanut, but really good! We are starting readoption and getting his SS number and I am going to try to do some work from home until we get him into some sort of child care situation. So, I guess between doctors appointments and all of that on very little sleep, we've been busy, or at least very wrapped up. But here are a few recent pictures and if he doesn't wake up too soon, a video....

1 comment:

Christie said...

Oh, I love the pics!