Friday, May 30, 2008

Noah Habtamu Everist Wheeler

We made it through court today!!! He is ours in the eyes of Ethiopia now and we couldn't be more excited...I think I will hold off on my ramblings for right now and see if I can get the (3) photos we have in here in some order. I can tell you it is absolutely amazing to be in love with a photo!

The first is the most recent on May 21, 2008, weighing 9.25 pounds and 20.1 inches tall.

May 15, 2008 - a surprise, not expecting a picture, seemed to just show up in a package.

April 23, 2008 - referral picture - isn't that a great pink!!!

More details later - when I am less scatterbrained...i hope that's a word.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I was totally stunned by a phone call from Dove this afternoon...We have a court date, and although I guessed we would have one set for mid-June; IT'S MAY 30!!! Yes, the May 30 of next week. Which in my tiny little mind, assuming we pass the first time (and it's possible we won't), we will travel in early July, about a month earlier than I was predicting. It's so exciting, yet I am thinking we need to fill our typhoid Rx, get our yellow fever vaccinations, I need at least my 2nd Hep B.. The baby shower is set for either June 21 or 22 and it may be the last weekend before we leave, WOW!
We should be getting an update with new photos and info tomorrow, the program director said he looks good in the photo(s) - so now I am really geared up to look at them..Wish I could post them.
Hopefully after next Friday I will put them on the site.