Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I will be back - I promise.

Things are much to hectic lately to even consider doing the extra step of signing on and adding photos and news. Fortunately I feel like doing NOTHING today, so here I am. I have new kiddo photos, but haven't downloaded them - too lazy to go downstairs to get the camera! Or lets just use the 'I have a cough and don't feel like moving' excuse; either one would fit! I will post a few photos, they are probably up on FB, just out of pure ease - but he has gotten funnier and funnier all the time..He is my sweet, cuddly boy (and yes sometimes that means clingy). He is talking like crazy, full stories with drama come out of his mouth and I understand NONE of it! He is starting to say yes a little, but still no is yes or no, I can never tell - usually causing some sort of tantrum - "I love you too much to argue" is my new calming phrase (calm for me, not for Noah). He likes Sesame Street and using reverse psychology I got him to come down the slide on his butt today - "you are much to small to come down on your bottom, you should go down on your tummy, maybe when you are a big boy" - within 3 minutes he slid down on his butt and did it at least 30 times today! He tried to drive his train up his slide 2x's both times flipping on his back and both times I was empathetic but had to laugh - it was hysterical! I am losing things all over the place and as it turns out they are not lost, just moved by someone else to thetrash can, fridge, cabinet, printer or some other welcome object. He is being finicky with food still, but has good days, it's hard to remember a meal for him is the size of his fist - not much 5 grapes could fill him up! He misses his dada as do I; can't wait until late December! Yet too much to do! That's all I have right now - seems very long

1 comment:

Be-Strong said...

Omg he is so cute!!!... I would love one day adopt a child to. Their are just so adventures, and unique.