Sunday, January 11, 2009


THEN (btw - he is actually wearing size 1 diapers and did for a while)


A few new Noah tricks:

1. He eats almost anything... Didn't like the ravioli with spinach though...we'll try again. He loves breads of all sorts, pancakes, most fruit and thoroughly enjoyed the whole blueberries tonight.

2. He is about 18 pounds (I'm guessing based on doctors visit a couple weeks ago) and maybe 28 or 29 inches tall.

3. He has moved out of 3-6 month clothes (mostly due to length - boys don't look good in capris) into 6 or 6-9 or 6-12 month stuff. The jeans in the photo are 6-12 month from Old Navy and are about an inch too wide and more than that in length - but so cute and hopefully will last into spring.

4. He has fully mastered crawling.

5. He cruises everything. Taking steps if you hold his hands (or even just one finger).

6. He not only can go up the stairs (been doing that for a few months) but has figured out how to go down; all with me a few steps below, of course.

7. He has developed a little temper when he doesn't get what he wants - we walk away or just try to ignore it right now - but wow can he make his feelings known.

8. He is happy 98% of the time - which is so wonderful to be around. He can cheer up my darkest days. The other 2% he is either overtired or teething.
9. He has 4 teeth. Middle top and middle bottom.

10. He loves the animals - although they could do without him.

11. He says some form of mama, dada, cat and dog...He's constantly babbling or singing something.. He loves itsy bitsy spider and patty cake.

12. Not only is he adored by his entire family, he draws in strangers who also adore him. He loves attention..

13. He is having much more pronounced separation anxiety (from me) - a good sign, but very hard to leave him at daycare crying - thankfully I am reminded that it only lasts for a couple minutes - he loves playing with the other kids (or pulling their hair).

I still can't believe we've been home for almost 6 months. It was just 6 months ago yesterday that we went to the embassy in Addis with him in the pouring rain and answered those precious few questions that got him a passport that brought him home with us. He was so tiny but so strong, with such bright eyes that could engage anyone who looked his way - and he still does, everywhere we go - HE IS AMAZING!


Our family said...

I agree, he is amazing!

Mamacita said...

He's almost a year old! Hard to believe! He is so adorable!