Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Friends.....with a side of thumb wrestling


Mamacita said...

Gorgeous babies!

Unknown said...

Oh my! That baby looks so much like my Oliver! I opened your blog and thought it was him for a minute. I am sure she doesn't from the front, but her profile could be his twin!

The funny thing is: I thought it was him for a second and the first thing that came to my mind was not "oh wait...they live hundreds of miles away" but "No...I wouldn't dress him in girl clothes!"

Good gracious I need some more sleep!

Mrs. Valente said...


I think about you guys so much. I'm so sorry I haven't written! I'm working on a special Snackin' Pack for Noah, but I might have to scrap my complicated idea and just send him a regular boy pack! I can't wait to meet him!!
