Monday, August 11, 2008

First Month

Today marks the first month with Noah in our custody. It's been a so wonderful having him home and he is changing so fast. He seemed so tiny, now with just a few extra pounds he seems huge; even though he's not. He is now able to eat 8oz of formula every 4 hours without spewing most of it, he moves around so much and he loves to hold your hands and stand. He seems really close to rolling from back to belly, but I think he hasn't had the interest yet. He is a kissable, cuddly boy - just watch out for hair and glasses!
Here's a picture from a few weeks ago when we returned and one from last night after Noah and I did a little steam bath to loosen congestion - He doesn't sit still enough anymore to take a similar picture - but does anyone else see the changes??? He's also gone from size 1 diapers to size 2 finally last week.


Christie said...

Isn't it amazing what a little love can do???

We saw the same changes in Quint and it was beautiful to watch...

It'll keep happening too - and it's so much fun to see...

Unknown said...

OOOO...I see the difference! In his face AND his little chest. Good job chunking him up! Noah Y, as you remember, needed no chunking. He has gained 7 oz since we returned though and is up to 16lbs 7 oz.
No teeth...which is good because I still nurse him a tiny bit here and there but his favorite thing to do is bite.
So glad to see he is doing fine. Can you believe it has only been a month with him? And yet it seems so far away.


ps: Your Noah eats more than mine!