Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I've been so lame with this site in 2008 - but nobody really reads it much so I have gotten lazy. Not to mention very busy. Paperwork, work, sleep, paperwork - too tired to care about anything, becoming to depressed waiting for the I-171H that took 10 weeks to get here...then more work and sleep...WHINE WHINE WHINE

On the brighter side:

Our dossier has been received by our agency today - if nothing has to be redone it should be off to be authenticated at the Ethiopian Embassy very soon and then translated. I think I have the order right??? Either way with any luck in the world it will be off to Ethiopia before the end of the month...hope...hope...I'm still not entirely ready to say we will travel before the end of the year - but it would be great if we could. Referral times are still 3-6 months for infants and we have requested a boy or girl since we can see either fitting well into our family. I need to get a poll up to find out what people think - James thinks girl and I think it will be a boy - so we are a house divided...


Mamacita said...

OK! This is so exciting! I'm totally jealous! Are you requesting boy or girl?

Bondoe said...

It won't really matter the sex of your child. They are so innocent and sweet you will love them no matter what. You should ask for twins.