Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 23, 2009

It's been a year since we saw this beautiful, very tiny face! I can't believe how much he has grown since these pictures were emailed to us. He could barely move his legs when we first held him and now he's been walking for a couple months, eating food from a plate, picking toys out to share with mom and talking like crazy. Hopefully I will get a few new pictures up, but he moves so fast most of them are a blur!




Mamacita said...

Most beautiful boy, EVER!

Our family said...

Amazing!!! We are so blessed to know your little pea!

Christie said...

Girl, they grow up so's a blur

He's adorable!

Kelly and Matt said...

What a cutie! He's getting so big! What do you mean move out of the country?

sawheeler said...

not sure you'll get this, but have lost your email. Jame is in search for a job - has been since January. We may end up in Qatar...I will post when I know more.

Anonymous said...

the babies are adorable but may i ask why you traveled to other countries to adopt? i myself am adopted and know first hand that there are plenty of adoptable children right here

sawheeler said...

aasha rae - I think this is topic worth talkingn about, but not in this forum. I would love to hear your story, yet I don't feel the need to defend our reasons to adopt from another country as I don't view my world as USA only, I view my world globally. I hope you understand that we did go through the research process for years and did consider domestic. email me if you would like to talk about it more.