Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Still catching up!!!

So, this is what I came back to after such a wonderful vacation; sort of. Hobbes was so sick when I got back - he was under the crib, determined not to com out. When I finally got him out he was moving funny, so I looked under him and found what looked like dried blood. It was much too late to do anything at that point, so the next afternoon I took him to our local vet (who we love btw) and when trying to take his temp they found a HUGE abscess. And I do mean huge. He must have been bitten by one of the neighbor dogs a few days earlier before I got home. James said he was acting funny. The did surgery, and you can't see it but it turned out so well. He didn't look like he was going to make it for about 7 days and finally he was acting himself and 7 days later his stitches were removed. He was so sad and had to be closed away from everyone and wear that HUMILIATING cone... He's fine now - we do have the best vet!! Oh yeah, he is now back to being an 'inside cat'

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