I can't believe he's already 2! He is affectionate, playful and so quick; in more ways than one! He gets the attention of almost everyone not matter where we are. People love him, they like to hold him and take photographs (all up to him of course). He likes to show off and be the center of attention, no surprises there! He loves to sing and listen to all music. Cars and his bike seem to be his favorite things right now. His favorite movies are Cars and Nemo. He loves to go down on the boardwalk and look at the fish, they are all Nemo! He is experimenting with counting and is making noise with me when singing the ABC song. He loves cows and EIEIO and sings it all of the time.
He can be so much fun, but he doesn't sit still, we are working on limits but its a challenge, he gets most of it but doesn't connect on others. And going out is really difficult since there is no place to put him when he is going too far. He is trying so hard to understand his world around him - the level of curiousity is fascinating!
He can say more words than I can count, some only I can understand, others are quite clear. Bath, bike, bite all sound the same, so you have to pay attention. He hates to misunderstood and although some tantrums are a result of NO or not getting something he wants, a good portion seem to relate to a lack of communication skills, which are improving constantly!
Noah and I had a great walk last night on the boardwalk. James was sick and sleeping, so we went down without the stroller and he behaved beautifully. He chased the older kids that were running around, made friends and got to listen to musicians performing. I love it when I can give him the freedom to run without putting so many limits on what he does, he learns so much and gets some sense of control over his world and it totally mellows him out!
He has made us so vulnerable - I can't imagine life without our little dancer, singer, entertainer....enough of my ramblings for now...at least I posted something..as I sit and wait for them to finish working in the kitchen so I can eat!!! All the while hoping they don't wake Noah from what I am hoping is a 3 hour nap!